Sunday, February 7, 2010

How does Sarah Palin plan to campaign with so many young children?

I'm not trying to suggest that women can't do both career and family well, but she's got, I think, 5 kids, one of them just 4 months old.

Where does she have the time to be vice president??

I'm not looking for a pissing contest between the right and the left, I just wonder the logistics of the demands of both jobs. How does Sarah Palin plan to campaign with so many young children?
Both jobs seem to come with huge commitments.

I'm not that rich or awesome to be able to juggle that kind of workload.How does Sarah Palin plan to campaign with so many young children?
Funny how I asked this and then all the info about her daughter came out.

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Probably the same way she has campaigned before.

With a strong devoted husband, multi-tasking, and with

competent help she may decide she needs.
She's a very special person.

History shows she's managed to be Governor,

wife and mother.

Our limits are in our own minds.
I think she has a sitter.
that why she has a husband and a nanny to take care of the kids

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