Friday, February 12, 2010

How much money did the Obama campaign raise?

If the economy is so crappy, how did he do it?How much money did the Obama campaign raise?
Roughly half a billion. His campaign was able to do this by intentionally disabling the verification software for credit card donations. Thus, about half of what he raised (somewhere just shy of a quarter of a billion dollars) is from unknown and unidentified donors.

His popularity overseas brought in millions in foreign donations. So far about $10M has been identified as coming from Gaza (controlled by Hamas); most of this has been returned. Many of the donors identified themselves as from ';GA,'; which was read as ';Georgia.'; Eventually the Federal Election Commission will get around to ordering the rest of the money raised from Palestinians returned. It seems that it's illegal for foreigners to contribute to U.S. political campaigns. Nobody knows how much that is.

Fundraisers for Obama were held in several African and Middle Eastern countries. One in Nigeria issued a press release saying they had raised $1M in one day. The money has left Nigeria, tracing it will take a while.

It's not hard to raise a lot of money if you intentionally look the other way when illegal donations are involved.How much money did the Obama campaign raise?
Well I know he didn't get a cent from me. Now, I didn't donate to the McCain/Palin campaign either, but that's not the point. Most of it came from unidentified and ';unknowns'; from overseas. And I bet half of it was bogus anyways. They only accepted everything to make their campaign look better. I'm sure he raised quite a bit from people living in America, but most of it wasn't even given from people living here. He basically bought the election.
650 million and over half of it came from middle eastern countries.!!

President Bush was sworn in january 2001 after that we had 9/11

billions spent, then we had 9 hurricanes federal disaster declarations,

Billions spent Numerous tornadoes nationwide federal disaster

declarations, billions spent Wild fires nation wide federal disaster

declarations billions spent, Tsunami's world wide Billions in aid,

earthquakes worldwide, billions spent.flooding nationwide federal

disaster declarations billions, the Iraq war and when people cite 10

billion a month the are not taking into consideration that the military

payroll continues no matter where our troops are, we have expenses

related to training that are comparative to the expenses in the two

theaters of combat, when you consider all the things that have occurred

on President Bushes watch then the debt is understandable and the fact

that he has kept our country safe since 9/11 proves he is a great

They said it was around $500 million, Oprah probably donated most of her fortune. The liberal left wing hollywood loons came up with millions. The NOW gang, Labor unions, Gays and lesbians, The Reverend Wrights out there, from the pulpit, come on suckers ';give';! Dig deeper in your pockets, the more you give the more Lord Obama will give you in return. And who knows about over seas! Lot of people standing there now with their wish list.
He didn't raise that much money. The software that verifies the validity of the credit cards on line was turned off. There were a lot of bogus donations that were added into the total of legitimate donations.
The majority of his money came from 'unknown'; overseas source that he will not divulge

Don't blame me I didn't vote for the junior marxist
I hope someone gives a real answer to this with a credible source. I'm curious too.
Does Monopoly money count?
That is a very smart question.
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