Friday, February 12, 2010

How can I write an amazing campaign speech for a student council election?

I am a high school student, running for president. What are some things that would persuade you to vote for someone? I know I can't change cafeteria food or dress code--i really don't want to make empty promises. But what I'm having trouble with is coming up with a good opening and closing, and some ideas to talk about. Help Please???!!!How can I write an amazing campaign speech for a student council election?
Lie. Lie. Lie.

(Well...... it worked for Obama, eh?)How can I write an amazing campaign speech for a student council election?
I heard a good one which was a funny list of parodies of past famous speeches.

';He who sheds his lead today will forever be my brother...

';I have a dream that this school will not vote based on the colour of one's hair but the content of their heart. (the candidate was ginger)

and so forth...

Also end with a catch phrase that rhymes and mentions you.
Copy some stuff from Stalin, something along the lines of blood alone moves the wheels of history!

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