Thursday, February 4, 2010

Will the Campaign for Liberty be enough to bring true conservatism back to Government?

Ron Paul has been, for 30 years, trying to bring true conservatism back to our government. The bills that he has authored in congress have been called ';too conservative';. LIke the ';Tip Tax'; bill, or the bill that would abolish Income tax for soldiers and their families. And the Birthright Citizenship amendment.Will the Campaign for Liberty be enough to bring true conservatism back to Government?
We are on a one way ride into a Socialistic Democracy and nothing short of a revolution will stop it. And a revolution requires a charismatic leader willing to challenge the status quo and organize. Ron paul might be a strong American, but he's not in the right position.Will the Campaign for Liberty be enough to bring true conservatism back to Government?
Hopefully, it can happen. It not only attracts true conservatives, but even leaning libertarians, and strict abiding constitutionalists. The Campaign for Liberty was founded to bring different Americans, regardless of their affiliations, for one single cause, and that is to preserve our Rights, freedom, restore Constitutional obediance, limited government, less taxation, sound money, and a whole lot of other stuff that have been severely weakened the by the Federal government. It will surely bring conservatism back to the GOP, since he will make his own rally and invite real concerned people. Great question.
Yes. It will take time however.
most ppl even forget what real conservatism really is
Personally I would like to shoot that damn pendulum it is still going to the left since WWII. Needs to swing back now!
Fringe conservatives considered Nixon too liberal, even though Richard Milhous made a career out of blacklisting Americans and ruining their lives.

Just try to bring back McCarthyism and you will have nothing but problems.
The wording of your question implies that we had true conservatism some time in the past. I'm wondering when that was.

EDIT: No, seriously. You're saying that Paul has been trying to bring it back for thirty years. That means he started trying in about 1978. So the last true conservative was somebody *before* Reagan. Would that be Goldwater, perhaps?
Conservatism is killing this country as it is.
Ron Paul's conservatism may be a lot of things but true isn't one of them.

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