Sunday, February 7, 2010

Should the rest of us act like campaign workers and other sheeple of NObama '08 and start deleting questions?

I mean if YA is not going to be pro-active in monitoring report abuse by these people, maybe it is time all the intelligent unfooled individuals here band together and delete all of their Q%26amp;A's.Should the rest of us act like campaign workers and other sheeple of NObama '08 and start deleting questions?
No. Let the ******* delete rather than try to honestly answer a question. We know their game.Should the rest of us act like campaign workers and other sheeple of NObama '08 and start deleting questions?
Conservatives gang up the most and delete the most questions in my experience. At best this is the pot calling the kettle black (know what that means by any chance?)

Report Abuse

Yes, the should just vote for their candidate and leave him the hell alone. I propose not answering their questions.
Shut up. The questions get deleted because they are offensive racist and incendiary, not because of a bunch of doughy eyed liberals shaking in our boots because we can't handle the free flow of information.
this question itself is abusive. You are NOT intelligent. This question proves it.

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