Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What happens to the money left over from a presidential campaign?

I've noticed a lot of money is being raised by the presidential candidates this year. Barack Obama, himself, raises close to $1M per day. So, I'm curious to know what is done with the extra money that was raised by a presidential candidate after the nomination is made? I know that a decent amount is used for advertising, paying the staff, etc. Do they pocket the left over money? Or is it allocated to some other sector of the government?What happens to the money left over from a presidential campaign?
They pile it away for anything else they might need it for. Hillary already used 10 million left over from her senate campaign on her presidential campaign.What happens to the money left over from a presidential campaign?
Hillary will use her left over money for the next campaign while Oslima will send his to Al Qaeda.
I think some sector of the government take left over money.
Probably spend it on some high priced hookers.
corrupt banks in the Bahammas
I believe it goes into the individual party coffers for future elections.
It should go to the poor. Shouldn't it?
If the candidate accepted federal matching funds, he/she must submit to a Federal Election Commission audit and return unspent federal funds to the Treasury.

If no matching funds were taken, then the candidate may retain the funds for another political campaign. Other options include donating to the party's national committee or to a state party.

They do NOT pocket the leftover funds.
I am guessing Hillary will give her money to Barak if she really wonted a Dem in the office.
I assume the party's treasury ...
hello you use it!!!
well i think the obvious answer is they pocket the money of course, i mean how else do they afford all those things............
swiss bank account
they most likely keep it in trust until the next time.if thereis no next time they spend it on big houses(lol)
The politicians are allowed to put unused campaign money into their campaign war-chest for future elections, they may not pocket the money, it is not allocated to other sectors of government directly (via taxation some of the money will end up in various sectors of government though).
they do get to keep it!
I cut a deal, they mail it to me and then I send half to them in an offshore account....sweet deal

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