Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Could someone please explain the difference between socialism and the Democratic election campaign goals?

Please, I am not looking for Republican bashing rants or rude answers. I really would like a well thought out response without a long rambling epistle.Could someone please explain the difference between socialism and the Democratic election campaign goals?
This is a very odd question. First of all, when you talk about socialism, there are several types of socialist parties in the United States, all of which have very different ideas (for example, the skinheads have one type of socialist party which has very different ideas from the socialist worker's party).

But when you talk about the ';Democratic election campaign goals'; you're getting away from talking about platforms and issues. The ';campaign election goal'; is to get elected. This has nothing to do with socialism.

If you want to know what the difference is between the Democratic party platform and the socialist party platform for 2008, again you have a problem, because the democratic platform is still being worked on and will not be adopted until the Democratic Convention in August in Denver.

Even so, if you look at the issues papers (not platform) of the Socialist Party USA, the types of things where Democrats and Socialist platforms might agree have nothing to do with socialist ideology. For example, many Democrats (and Republicans) want an end to the Iraq war and so do socialist party USA. Does that make the Democrats and Republicans who oppose the war socialists? Similarly, the skin head version of the socialist party wants tougher immigration standards which is in agreement with some Republicans (and Democrats). Does that make Republicans NAZIs?Could someone please explain the difference between socialism and the Democratic election campaign goals?
Socialism is a socio-economic system in which essential industries, social services, property and the distribution of wealth are publicly and cooperatively owned and democratically controlled with a view to equal opportunity and equal benefit for all.

The Democrats propose expansion of programs that will have some income redistribution because they will be paid for by progressive income taxes and provide services for all. They also favor more generous welfare benefits for the poor than the Republicans do. Governments with such policies are called social welfare states in Europe, not socialist, because they coexist with a capitalist market economies and entail little or no government ownership.
The Democrat party is in reality the Socialist party and the GOP is the Capitalist party. Since FDR,s time the Dems have been getting more socialist. This whole Lieberman/Warner is another socialist way to get people to cut back on energy. Why don't they just have the courage to increase taxes on energy rather than this creating this huge, complicate scheme? Obama's plan to have the UN tax the US in order to provide more money for poor Africans is another socialist, One World Govt idea from the left.


Socialists property and the distribution of wealth are publicly and cooperatively owned and democratically controlled with a view to equal opportunity and equal benefit for all while the democrats view is different in the sence that the ony similar measures they support are for the poor (like rent control)
Not a lot...the republicans are just as socialist tho..they doubled the department of education and welfare has exploded under them.

With Clinton we had welfare reform.

I don't see any difference in democrats and republicans, the dems are a tad more socialist...but not much.
Socialist take 40% of income for taxes. With that they get free health care and college. Not a bad idea but it would not work here. Dems just want health care to be free using the money we are spending in Iraq. We do have some socialized things like the post office, police, fire stations, and the library. It's not that scary of a concept.
Pretty similar. Party decides. If you do not follow the party, you are a bad person. If you do not endorse their choice, you get threatened ( Hillary was ), 1 voter = 1/2 voter ( Michigan, Florida ), and several more.
Yes, right after you explain the difference between the Nazi Party and the present ';Neo-Cons'; - they both hate America like poison.
If you would list the specific goals you consider to be socialism, we could better answer your question.
Difference? There's a difference?
What specific goals are you talking about?
there are no differences
seems the same to me

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